Friday, April 9, 2010

Spring Doesn't Have To Mean Allergy Season

Spring is in full swing. The flowers are blooming, creating carpets of bright colors and releasing their wonderful scents.

Spring flowers also release a lot of pollen.

For those of us who are sensitive to pollen because of seasonal allergies, I have some Chinese herbal formulas that are good to use as substitutes for over-the-counter (OTC) drugs.

Traditional Bi Yan Pian treats acute symptoms of nasal disorders (runny nose, sneezing, itchy eyes/ears/throat) WITHOUT the undesirable side effects common to OTC drugs. Bi Yan Pian reduces inflammation of the mucus membrane to treat (and prevent further outbreaks of) sinusitis, rhinitis, hay fever, allergies and sinus infections without causing drowsiness, dry nose, or dry mouth.

Head Clear is a combination of 6 traditional formulas that treats lingering symptoms of skin rashes, inflammation of the glands/eyes/throat, and muscle soreness. It also alleviates headaches, neck soreness and joint soreness caused by allergies.

EnviroShield is a combination formula that supplements Qi and Blood. It is a good formula for patients with year-round allergy symptoms. It treats cold-allergy syndrome (chronic or recurring rhinitis, sinusitis, coughs, wheezing) caused by viral infections, allergies, environmental sensitivities or all three, simultaneously and in alternation. EnviroShield also treats IBS-food allergy/sensitivity syndrome (indigestion, reflux, bloating, and diarrhea).

These formulas can be taken together or separately and can provide fast relief if taken at the onset of symptoms. If you would like to know if any of these formulas are right for you, please call for a consultation.

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