The answer for that is meditation.
While your body needs movement to function well; your mind needs stillness and relaxation to stay focused and in the moment.
- What is getting between you and a better job?
- What is getting between you and better relationships?
- What is getting between you and a better life?
- Can you separate your identity from your body and mind?
- Can you break free into a deeper, broader sense of identity?
As we interact with our environment, we develop strategies for processing information and overcoming challenges. If we are not mindful, these strategies become our conscious and subconscious response to everything. We become fixed in our routine, even when it is no longer the best strategy; this stress is how frustration develops.
Mindfulness practice trains your nervous system to know itself better and interfere with itself less. You would have the freedom to ignore your brain pulling and stay true to your original intention.
Why do we need to know when our brain is pulling us away from “the moment” and into memory, planning/fantasy, or judgment? A common trait of people who are seen as and see themselves as “happy, lucky, fit, or successful” is their ability to live in “the moment.” We all have internal monologues that can boost our performance or sabotage our best laid plans.
Next week I will give an example how meditation supports a mindfulness practice to create wellness in your life.
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